Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring has Sprung!

I have to say, my Winter babies LOVE spring and summer! I have so many plans to let them have fun this summer since I've been pregnant for the last three basically and just didn't get out much. I'd really love to buy them a sandbox, cause my Kyla loves dirt :) Momma and Daddy came over the other day and brought them some sidewalk chalk, so our back driveway is completely covered by what Delilah hasn't eaten yet. We need more outside toys, and I wish we had a tree big enough for a tire swing but alas, we do not.

I've always been interested in my heritage and just found out the other night that I am Irish [duh! I'm covered in freckles!], Cherokee Indian [that was interesting to find out, although that gene must be completely lost on me!],  and Black Dutch. Okay, I for one had never heard of that terminology and was lost on it's meaning. So, trusty old Wikipedia told me this:

"Black Dutch is an American ethnic designation that is not officially used. It often occurs as part of family lore passed down in certain Southeastern families of mixed-race ancestry, especially those of Cherokee descent.[citation needed] In common usage, it generally did not imply African admixture, although some families who used the term were of tri-racial descent."

So, further down, I was very interested to find that the term "Melungeon", first used in U.S. records by The Primitive Creek Baptist Church of Tennessee [where my biological grandfathers family comes from], is in reference to specific surnames such as Collins, Minor, and Gibson [Gibson is my biological last name.] So, pretty much what this means is that aside from being Cherokee Indian in itself, I'm also dutch mixed with Cherokee indian, so I'm a good majority of Indian. Also, Black Dutch was a slang term in where Indians were trying to seem more "White" in favor of being treated more equally [considering this term was coined in the 1800's]. It's like Scotch-Irish, where Irish wanted to be treated better when they came to America and chose to say they were Scotch as well. I find it very fascinating.

So, what does that have to do with it being spring? Nothing, except I'm wondering why the Indian gene doesn't help me tan? LOL. Either way, I'll burn with pride I suppose, let the irish part take over. I'm hoping to look more into our heritage if someone else hasn't already.

Kyle bought a gun yesterday --- I'm not too sure how I feel about it yet, but I get to shoot it soon so I am excited. I am about to go fix lunch for the girls, lay them down and go lay outside to read my new book "Shadowland" and maybe get some sun. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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